Monday, January 25, 2016

galli della loggia e renzi

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sunday, January 17, 2016

hypernova, 570 billion suns

science docs


How is it that a man with so meager an understanding of the Jaws of physics could have been so prescient? My own opinion is that he embodied a remarkable combination of charat.-ter traits: enough understanding of theoretical physics to get things right qualitatively, if not quantitatively; so intense a curiosity as to keep up with everything happening in all of physics and astronomy; an ability to discern, intuitively, in a way that few others could, connections between disparate phenomena; and, of not least importance, such great faith in his own inside track to truth that he had no fear whatsoever of making a fool of himself by his speculations. He knew he was right (though he often was not), and no mountain of evidence could convince him to the contrary

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Higgs weight universe instability

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Einstein pedagogics

Einstein began his search for a new law of gra~ity in 1907. His initial steps were triggered and guided by a writing project: Although the patent office now classified him as only a "technical expert second class" (recently promoted from third class), he was sufficiently respected by the world's great physici!its to be ir1vited to w1·ite a review article for the annual publication Jahrbuch der Radioaktivitiit und Elektrom1r. about his special relativistic laws of physics and their consequences. As he worked on his review, Einstein discovered a valuable strategy for scientific research: The necessity to lay out a S\tbject in a self-contained, coherent, pedagogical manner forces one to think about it in new ways. One is driven tc> examine all the subject's gaps and flaws, and seek cures for them.

Minkowski teacher to einsteins stud2nt : lazy dog

Russian by birth, had left the ETH in Zurich to take up a more attractive professorship in Gottingen, Germany. (Science was as international then as it is now.) In Gottingen, Minkowski studied Einstein's article on special relativity, and was impressed. That study led him to his 1908 discovery of the absolute nature of four-dimensional spacetime. When Einstein learned of Minkowski's di~;cove:ry, he was not impressed. Minkowski was merely rewriting the laws of special relativity in a new, more mathematical language; and, to Einstein, the mathematics obscured the physical ideas that underlie the laws. As Minkowski continued to extol the beauties of his spacetime viewpoint, Einstein began to make jokes about Gottingen mathematicians describing relativity in such complicated language that physicists wouldn't be able to understand it. The joke, in

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Poincarre picasso einstein

Picasso was particularly struck by Poincaré's advice on how to view the fourth dimension, which artists considered another spatial dimension. If you could transport yourself into it, you would see every perspective of a scene at once. But how to project these perspectives on to canvas? Poincaré's suggestion in Science and Hypothesis was to do so one at a time, showing each in succession. Picasso disagreed. He wanted to depict them all at once.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

laser beam blackhole

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Time machine

Your starship's rocket engines will blast all the way with a 1-g acceleration, so that you and your crew can experience a comfortable 1-Earth-gravity force inside the starship. The ship will accelerate toward the galactic center for half the journey, then it will rotate 180 degrees and decelerate at t g for the second half. The entire trip of 30,100 light-years distance will require 30,102 years as meas1ued on Earth; but as measured on the starship it will require only 20 years. In accordance with Einstein's laws of special relativity,118 your ship's high 8peed will cause time, as measured on the ship, to "dilate"; and this time dilation (or lime warp), in effect, will make the starship behave like a time machine, projecting you far into the Earth's future while you age only a modest amount.!Z7 You

My answer: the amazing power of the human mind-by fits and starts, blind alleys, and leaps of insight ... -to unravel the complexities of our Universe, and reveal the ultimate simplicity, the elegance, and the glorious beauty of the fundamenta) laws that govern it.

universe painting

black hole picture by chandra telescope

gigantic magnetic fields stars

Monday, January 4, 2016

Warped time einstein, only 25 billions years ago vs 6 billion ppl living in the planet

The primary event occurred at some time between ten and twenty billion years ago. Perhaps the most dramatic support for the hypothesis was the discovery of the degraded remnants of the light waves that accompanied a late phase of the initial explosion.